We meet with you to assist you with questions and help develop your ideas regarding the design, finishes and selections and guidance towards the start up process. We discuss all aspects; from design, equipment needs, flooring, cabinetry and more! We also meet with you throughout the project to get your feedback and any new ideas/changes you may need to make your office more efficient.
Establishes size, site and space requirements, equipment needs and to review any concerns you may have. This helps us to envision the best layout for your production and efficiency.
We meet to establish your budget per square foot; the overall budgeting numbers for your project which assists in the final outcome of your architectural drawings. We can also assist you with bank referrals to contact if you have not already received funding for your project.
We offer the latest options for networking and utilizing technology into your practice. Kaiser Construction has the ability to provide you with the best equipment for your computer systems, software, and A/V needs.